Let's Explore

Assalamualaikum, I am Anas Yunus. This is quiet like a diary of my LIFE. You are very welcome to read it please comment:d


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Monday, 31 May 2010


Setelah beberapa lama menunggu untuk pergi ke Spain masa itu akhirnya sampai juga...Bertolak daripada Birmingham International Airport ke Malaga International Airport pada tarikh 22/05/2010. Selama 8 hari kami sekeluarga pergi ke Spain untuk menerokai keindahan alam dan peninggalan umat Islam pada zaman dahulu...

Aeropuerto de Malaga...akhirnyer sampai juga ke tanah Spain yg dulu pernah di tawan oleh umat Islam... Terdengar je perkataan Malaga teringatkan pantainyer yg teramat sekali popular...9.30 malam kami menjejakkan kaki di Spain... Malam itu selepas menyewa sebuah kereta kami terus menuju ke tempat penginapan yang pertama di Spain. Apartmentos Meditarreneo.

Di awal pagi keesokan harinya kami bertolak ke Granada untuk mengunjungi Alhambra. Perjalanan yg mengambil masa selama 1 jam 30 minute. Bunga2 rose yg berbau begitu harum di hadapan main entrance. Selepas membeli ticket kami terus pergi ke destinasi yg pertama di Alhambra yaitu Alcazaba... Alcazaba ini adalah satu kubu yg digunakan oleh Sultan Nazary untuk melindungi negeri Andalucia beliau daripada pihak musuh...

Pada waktu itu cuaca amat panas sekali...jadi cepat lah dahaga...Setelah beberapa jam menunggu dan beberapa kali cuba masuk tapi x leh akhirnya dapat jugak masuk...Kubu Alcazaba ini mmg tinggi...kecut perut..

Muka pon muka2 letih sebab cuaca hari itu mmg panas....lagi panas dari Malaysia....

Selepas melawati Alcazaba kami pergi ke Palace of Nazary.... Tiba2 ada masalah....ticket yg Ummi book online rupanya untuk 4 childrens...Lepas semua masalah selesai Abah & Ummi decide untuk pergi tengok hotel dan rehat2 dulu baru pergi balik petang... Villa Blanca.

Selepas beberapa jam berehat di hotel Villa Blanca kami bertolak ke Alhambra sekali lagi...

To be continued...

Wednesday, 31 March 2010


These footballers are Muslims... Franck Bilal Ribery, Nicolas Anelka and Karim Benzema....

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Hot Spring!!!!

The sun has been really shining for weeks.... As the sun shines the temperature rises... 15 degrees celcius have been the highest temperature I recorded YET! I know in Malaysia panas gila sampai ader org tu pening2 sampai....(ooops)....Anyway.. I can feel the heat when I'm wearing my coat outside....PANASSSS....

P/s kpanasan melampau ni!!!! :D

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all muslimah of the world.... Why is Mother's Day have been just specified on the 14th of March?? I never knew.... But I've got my own opinion about Mother's Day. All mothers should be treated like they are been treated on Mother's Day....They've been taking care for us for e.g. 12 years and we give them back just a day for them to enjoy... Are you sure that for 12 years you have been perfect to your mother??? (don't think so even I'm not perfect at all time)....

أمه يا أمه.... لقد كانت نقطة مضيئة في الظلام.... مساعدتي كلما استطعت.... وأنا على ذلك المباركة بأنني مثل هذه الأم العظيمة.... وأتمنى لكم حظا طيبا في الدنيا والآخرة

أنت الأم الأفضل في العالم ، بينما أنا طفل حظا في هذا العالم لديها مثل هذه الأم ممتازة....

p/s pandai2 lah korang faham....

Friday, 12 March 2010

The Beginning of Spring

Spring is beginning to rise,

Parks is where the beautiful flowers lies,

The cold and chilliness have been blown away,

With a quick sway....

Spring oh spring....

Your presence make me proud,

This makes me saying SubhanaAllah out loud,

Spring oh Spring....

Where all the beauty of this world comes together with a whirl,

Ya Allah, You are the Greatest for creating this world.....


By: Anas Yunus

p/s last bit tu x rhyme la plak.... x tahu la betul ker x betul....buat jer...

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Winter is over and Spring has just begun..

As they say winter is going to be over sooner or later... I think it is over... The temperature is rising from as low a -5 to 9 degrees.. But the good think of winter is that sleeping time feels so long.. It's just that it's freezing when you are sleeping...

Winter...winter...winter but now Spring....spring....spring...

Thursday, 25 February 2010


...Snow Art Craft......Snow...

I thought it was the end of winter but who knows what Allah is going to provide us for the day... Last week, I never thought it was going to snow but it really did even the Met Office didn't knew that... We decided to make a different kind of snowman....

About Me

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Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
I was born in Malaysia and currently stay in UK....

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